There's something I'm really good at, that I imagine a lot of people wouldn't brag about. I have this incredible ability to sleep. Soon after my head hits the pillow, I drift off from a state on consciousness to a state of deep relaxation. Problems and worries don't seem to bother me when I'm laying down, so I just fall asleep. And oh, peace. Tranquility. And I can do it at any time I so choose, and not just bedtime.
I can wake up, feeling well rested, go about my day and when I have a down moment, I sleep. It's like a belch on command, only more polite. Well, polite provided I don't fall asleep in front of company. Call it narcolepsy, but I can control it. Some might say I'm depressed. I say they're jealous of my ability. It never gets out of hand. I'm always in command of my awakeness, so I don't miss out doing things. But on my days off, when I feel the mood strike, I take a trip to Slumberland. And it's amazing.
Now, I know there's a ton of sleep disorders out there. Recently, I saw a special on a boy who would sleep for days at a time. Like hibernation. He wouldn't wake to use the bathroom or eat, or anything. And his family have no idea when his deep sleep will happen, it just does. He retreats into his bedroom and doesn't emerge until his body tells him it's time.
Others might look at this kid like a poor, pitiful thing, who's missing out on what life has to offer. I look at him like a person who's somewhat blessed. He has an excuse for sleeping. That's the only thing I lack when I lounge around and sleep all day. Sometimes I get quizzed on why I choose to sleep some days. My partner suffers from insomnia, so I know there's a touch of envy there. If I had what this kid has, I'd be able to write it off to science, a biological deformity within me. But I cannot. On the other hand, I wouldn't want to lose control of my ability to sleep. I'd want to sleep when I wanted to, not because my brain knocked me unconscious against my wishes.
Today was one of the days I chose to sleep, Labor Day 2010. The movers and shakers in history before us pushed to have working conditions improved and a national day of rest for workers. So, I took their commemorative holiday and did exactly how I felt they intended it to be used. For doing no labor. Nadda. And there's no better way to stall work habits than to become unawake. Naked body between satiny sheets for hours on end, oh so luxurious.
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