Halloween has long been my favorite holiday. As a child, I could dress up and be any number of things. I can do the same as an adult. The only real difference now is that I'm too old to go door-to-door for candy. Of course, if I really wanted to, I could, but people would most assuredly laugh in my face, or call the police. Unless, I dragged some kid around as a guise. I'd never exploit a child like that. Maybe my neice really would like a chapperone. Hm.
In any event, now that I'm older, much older, I can design my own costumes. No need for those cheapy constructed, AND super expensive, all-in-one costumes from the store. The man in the hospital gown with his rubber butt exposed is so cliche, as is anything Dorothy themed. Things that are relevant are always a hot topic. Any election year, we're faced with cheesy masks of politicians' likenesses. If a blockbuster movie comes out, it's guaranteed that much of the characters from the film will be out in full force. Multiples of the Mad Hatter or the vampires from Twilight will abound! Now, that's truly frightening.
With my creative gene, I'd much rather create my own work. Sure, it may be a long process filled with tears and anguish, but I'm typically pleased with the finished product. I love the idea that I have something no one else in the world will ever have. Made by me, it's preciously one of a kind. Something I've always taken pride in.
As an adult, I've conceptualized and constructed many costumes. There was the half man, half woman I dubbed "He Said, She Said" that earned me first place in the costume contest at work. A blood soaked torn shirt with and evil cat sat, poised to attack on my shoulder was a hoot at a friend's party. That creation was called "Cat Scratch Fever" or, "Pussy Whipped", as some drunk dude called it. One year, I took all the elements of an office (push pins, letter opener, stapler, etc) and made them into dangerous weapons, sticking them to my body with horrendous results. A few years later, I created and sewed a couple costumes for my partner and I. We were members of the royal court (king and jester) with regal tapestries and fancy trim.
Yes, I love Halloween, and this year will be exciting, most assuredly. I'm not revealing our plan just yet, but it will turn heads. And even if it doesn't, I like the feeling of playing pretend...and getting away with it.
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