There's this man who makes me smile. I don't know his name, and as far as I know, he doesn't know mine either. I've never spoken to him, but every time I see him, he makes me happy. If only for a moment.
He lives in a place that I would rather not visit, but nonetheless, I see him nearly every day on my way to the office. He lives in an area where the houses are dilapitated, some even with the rooves caving in. Boarded up windows, burnt out shells of some homes, crackled lead-based paints, trash strewn about. And yet, he's there, this man, with a huge smile on his chubby face, waving to passersby on their commute through the shoddy little town.

I don't know his motivation behind standing in front of his presumed home, grinning largely in the most friendly way. He waves to everyone, this man. Some people honk or return a wave, but most glance and drive on. Either out of fear, or confusion, these commuters don't even seem to acknowledge this man as he spreads a little bit of cheer. But, if they're like me, their lack of perceived lack of appreciation is internalized so no one else can see it.
See, I appreciate this man in all his pleasantly rotund and jolly demeanor. I don't overtly acknowledge him, but occasionally, when the timing is just right, I'll nod and smile as I drive past. He'll nod in return, and somehow I know he understands, even though he's constantly nodding...and waving. It's as if he's saying "Yeah, I know this town is crap and people look down on it, but happiness can happen where you least expect it."
It's never as bad as you might think.
And that makes me smile.
Sounds like a happy man. Bet he has no idea that someone out there blogged about him. Everyone effects everyone. Funny and odd. Life is strange. I'm glad he makes you smile. This blog made me smile. Thank you!
ReplyDeleteAnd thank you for being my biggest fan ;)
ReplyDeletehey wait.. I'm your "biggest" fan.. I have a good 300 on Levi. :) lol. j/k you are a great writer. thanks for sharing this with us. :)